Business Visas
Interested in starting, buying or partnering in a business overseas?
Service Description
Canada has an excellent Start-up Visa program to attract the successful entrepreneur. Are you an innovator who can compete on a global scale? Will you create jobs for Canadians? If so, this may be your best entry to Canada. (This program is not available in the province of Quebec.) A summary of the program requirements are: * Meet the minimum requirements in English or French (CLB 5 in speaking, reading, writing, and listening). * Have sufficient funds to settle and live while waiting for the business to earn profits * Earn the support of at least one “Designated Organization” from the official list of qualified D.O.s. * Pass Canadian medical and security clearance, (which might include providing your biometrics). * Structure your business and ownership in compliance with the program. *** Global Residency can help you: * Find the Designated Organization most aligned with your business (there are over 50 on the list) and therefore most likely to grant your Letter of Support navigate the paperwork. * Find local information at both the macro and micro levels. With Global Residency on your side, you can more easily make the many decisions required to not only position your business idea in Canada, but to enjoy an excellent quality of life. Each Canadian region has its own business focus and lifestyle—let us help you find the ideal environment for you, your family, and your business so that everyone will thrive. The Start-up Visa Program is a pilot project, so don’t delay. Get in touch today.
Contact Details
251 Consumers Rd #1200, North York, ON M2J 1W8, Canada
(416) 628-8126